About Supergrass
High-quality Forage, Hay and Haylage
Supergrass are committed to growing the highest quality forage for your horses. We have been carefully selecting, sowing and stowing hay and haylage for horses, as well as other forage for three decades, honing our processes to create the best horse food.
The Green, Green Grass of God’s own Country
Travel about thirty miles east of York, and you’ll find Skerne Leys Haylage farm. All our hay and haylage is grown in and around this smallholding and is traceable to its field of origin. We have been producing top-quality haylage for horses and other forage here since the mid-1990s.
Supergrass from Super Leys
Buy forage from Supergrass, and you can be sure your products are expertly produced from the finest grasses. Over the decades since our foundation we have honed our skills in selecting, sowing, growing, harvesting and tedding (drying) the perfect mix of forage.
Now we sell high-energy, metabolism-friendly hays and haylage for horse food. It’s not for nothing that we have grown to have 400 acres of carefully tended leys producing soft, sweet, diverse forage.

Caring for Horses
High-Class Haylage for Horses and Ponies
All of our haylage for horses is completely dust free.
From Yorkshire to your horse, for free wherever they live
We believe every horse and pony deserves the finest, healthiest, tastiest food and every owner deserves to be able to give it to them. That is why we have continually invested in our business over the last 30 years and can now provide free shipping to any location on the UK mainland. And yes, it all comes from the lovely, lush green fields of Skerne Leys.
On the menu for your horse…
• Timothy grass – From our super high-fibre seed mixture
• Meadow fescue
• Ryegrass
• Cocksfoot
• Traditional meadow hay – From mature grass leys
… and much more
… from our super team
Our products are professionally produced by our experienced team, who have a wealth of knowledge in the equine forage industry. We have honed our skills to produce the finest quality hay and haylage for horses and ponies.
Get your free super sample pack
Let your horse taste our selection of super hay and haylage for free, including delivery.
Try a sample box
*Grafter haylage
*Chilled haylage
*Supergrass super hay
*Timothy hay graft bag